APPLYING FOR THE TOUR HOME APPLYING FOR THE TOUR We are always open for the facility tour. Please contact us using the following form. Company / Organization* Required Name* Required Department / Job Title* Required TEL* Required Email address* Required Re-type email address* Required When would you like to start? Please choose one. ImmediatelyWithin 6 monthsWithin 1 yearUndecided Number of team members Details of your application*Required Please include the date you would like to visit and any special notes you would like to confirm. Please also answer the following items, in order to facilitate future communications. Thank you. Company size 1-2 people3-5 peopleMore than 6 people Please tell us about the support you expect from us (multiple answers allowed) Well-equipped experimental facilitiesRecruitment supportBusiness plan consultationAdvice on fundraisingOpportunities to speak at eventsInformation about the industry (e.g., drug and medical device approvals)Making presentations overseasExpanding networks overseasSupporting collaboration with companiesFacilitating communication between resident startupsOthers What equipment and facilities do you plan to primarily use on site? (Multiple answers allowed) Biotechnology-P1Biotechnology-P2Animal experimentsSynthesis experimentsMicrofabricationData analysisOthers Contact