川崎市殿町にあるライフサイエンス系インキュベーターiCONM in collaboration with BioLabsでは、2/14(金)8:00amより、BioLabsと共同でウェビナーを開催いたします。
本ウェビナーでは、「Creating a Compelling Story」をテーマとし、特にバイオ系スタートアップのグローバルでのピッチの仕方について議論し、成功するための戦略や役立つ情報を提供していきます。よろしければ、ぜひご聴講ください。
Creating a Compelling Story: The art of crafting a pitch deck for biotech investors
Are you ready to capture the attention of biotech investors? In this webinar, you’ll learn the essential strategies and tips for crafting a compelling story that resonates with potential investors. Whether you’re seeking funding for a groundbreaking drug, a cutting-edge medical device, or some other transformative life science innovation, our experts will guide you through the process of telling a story that showcases your innovation, market potential, and the impact of your technology.
2025年2月14日(金) 8:00 – 9:00AM
Chaya Patel, PhD
Principal, Mission BioCapital
Chaya Patel, PhD is a Principal at Mission BioCapital where she focuses on investing in therapeutics companies and supporting portfolio companies through operating roles. Chaya is also active in the Boston venture ecosystem as a leader for the Emerging Venture Capitalists Association (EVCA).
Prior to this, Chaya worked on company creation at a family office and the growth of their portfolio company, Alloy Therapeutics. Chaya received her PhD from Dartmouth, where her research advanced the understanding of creating maternal immunity to prevent neonatal viral infections. She received her B.S. in Microbiology and Immunology from UCLA.
Brandon Possin
Founder, Merito
Brandon Possin is a Japan-based entrepreneur and co-founder of Merito, which is bringing research funding to Japanese scientists via Decentralized Science (DeSci) capital. Previously, he represented the United States for 17 years as a diplomat. He served at U.S. embassies in Japan, Venezuela, Indonesia, Pakistan, Peru, and Argentina. He is a native of Madison, Wisconsin, earned a B.A. from the University of Virginia, and was a visiting student at universities in Chile and Brazil. Brandon speaks Portuguese, Indonesian, Spanish, Urdu, and Japanese. He also authored the book “Yabai” in 2024 on conversational Japanese.
3月にはグローバルピッチイベント”Global life-science pitch 2025“を実施します。現在、ピッチを行うスタートアップ・聴講者共に募集しております。よろしければご参加ください。
iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsについて
iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsは、羽田空港の対岸に位置する川崎市殿町キングスカイフロントにある「ナノ医療イノベーションセンター(iCONM)」内にある、ライフサイエンス分野のスタートアップを支援するインキュベーション施設です。日本の高い研究技術力に 対して、iCONMの研究支援環境と米国ボストンにあるバイオ領域のグローバルインキュベーター BioLabsの社会実装支援経験の強みをかけ合わせ、スタートアップを支援します。iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsでは、 370種類を超える、微細加工・化学合成・バイオ・動物実験系の共用機器を備えています。【入居者募集中・入居にご関心が有る方へ】
iCONM in collaboration with BioLabs