1/22 イベント参加者募集!Global Reach, Local Expertise: Recruiting Talent for Japanese Expansion


iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsでは、2025年1月22日(水)4 pmより、ネットワーキングイベント「Global Reach, Local Expertise: Recruiting Talent for Japanese Expansion」を開催します。
今回のテーマは「人材」です。グローバルな成長を目指すバイオテックスタートアップにとって、チーム作りは成功の鍵を握ります。本パネルディスカッションでは、日米で18年にわたるHR業界の経験を有し、現在は日本のバイオテック向けの人材戦略・紹介を行うKelly Yu氏と、ファイザー社をはじめとして大手製薬企業での研究開発およびビジネス開発をリードし、現在はエンジェル投資会社を運営する瀬尾 亨氏の2名を、スピーカーとしてお招きします。


Global Reach, Local Expertise: Recruiting Talent for Japanese Expansion

2025年1月22日(水) 4:00 – 6:00 pm​ (開場 3:30pm)

ナノ医療イノベーションセンター(iCONM) 2F マグネットエリア(受付 1F)
〒210-0821 神奈川県川崎市川崎区殿町3丁目25−14アクセス情報はこちら

3:30 pm – 開場
4:00 pm – 開始
4:05 pm – 5:15 pm パネルディスカッション, QA
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm ネットワーキング(ラボツアー ※希望者のみ)




Toru Jay Seo
CEO, Newsight Tech Angels 

Dr. Toru Jay Seo, CEO of Lucidaim Co. Ltd., obtained his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Pathology from Wake Forest University and completed his post-doctoral training in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases at Columbia University. He joined the faculty as an assistant professor in Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University Medical Center where he performed independent academic research in the field of lipid metabolism. In 2007, he moved to pursue a R&D career in the leading industries such as GSK, MERCK, TAISHO and PFIZER where his roles came to include project leader, global scientific committee member, team lead, and later on in business development and corporate strategic planning. Being a seasoned drug hunter in major pharma, he moved to an APAC head of Search and Evaluation, Worldwide Business Development, Chief Business Office, Pfizer Inc. in 2019. After leaving the pharma industry with a vast experience in business development and R&D in 2021, he created his own drug discovery biotechs and investment farm to pursue his vision of stimulating life science community. He also assumed the roles as an external counselor, advisor of biotech ventures and VCs while being a visiting professor of Osaka University and a visiting lecturer of Waseda Business School, Waseda University. He is an author of more than 70 peer-reviewed and review articles.


Kelly Yu,
Manager, Healthcare Team, Specialized Group

Kelly is currently the Manager of the Healthcare Team at Specialized Group, a recruitment firm established for 23 years in Japan. She is a resourceful and driven HR, recruitment and management professional with 18 years of experience in Japan and the United States. She supports biotech startups with scaling their teams via effective talent attraction and hiring strategies. Kelly is passionate about effective people management and development and believes in the power of authentic relationship building. Outside of work, Kelly can usually be found in a yoga studio, boxing, hiking or checking out wine bars.


iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsについて

iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsは、羽田空港の対岸に位置する川崎市殿町キングスカイフロントにある「ナノ医療イノベーションセンター(iCONM)」内にある、ライフサイエンス分野のスタートアップを支援するインキュベーション施設です。日本の高い研究技術力に 対して、iCONMの研究支援環境と米国ボストンにあるバイオ領域のグローバルインキュベーター BioLabsの社会実装支援経験の強みをかけ合わせ、スタートアップを支援します。iCONM in collaboration with BioLabsでは、 370種類を超える、微細加工・化学合成・バイオ・動物実験系の共用機器を備えています。入居者募集中・詳細はこちら


iCONM in collaboration with BioLabs 
担当:金子 亜紀江

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